Yesterday, I received a notice from the post offcie, saying that I had a package for me which was kept at the custom's office at Retiro. The moment I saw it, I knew it was the package that I had been expecting from my good friend Kim. Some time ago I sent her some yarn that I knew she liked, and after that she insisted in sending some goodies to me. I couldn't resist such a wonderful offer, and she promptly sent her gift. I love surprises and gifts so I was getting terribly anxious about this! And so was her! I know it because every day she asked about the yarn and the answer was always the same: "No yarn yet".
So when I knew my package was at the customs office I felt so relieved! But then suddenly I noticed that the package was addressed to Joji Locatelli... And I must confess that it's not my "real" name. I mean it is, but not in my ID! That moment I knew I was in trouble... They weren't going to give me my package, because my ID didn't match the one in the envelope...
I was terribly sad. I called the local postal service and they said that I should go down to the customs office and give it a try, but they weren't very enthusiastic about this... They said they didn't think I could get my package. Kimberly was so sad too! We even found a way to correct the name in the envelope, but that procedure would take 23 days...
Anyway, I convinced my husband Charly to drive me down the customs office this morning. I guess I needed to hear them say NO....
A lady called me and I told her my problem... And guess what? She said "Mmmm, I don't know"... So immediately I picked up my youngest baby, Sebi and sat him on the counter... I don't know if it helped, but when she saw Sebi there she said "Well, OK, sign here"!!!!!!
Can you believe it! There are polite people in Argentina!
When I got to the car, I had to struggle A LOT to open it. I couldn't wait! But it was all worth it, because inside I found this.
OK, so from left to right, from top to bottom:
Karabella Yarns, lace mohair and wool
Noro Cash Island
Malabrigo lace, in 2 different (and gorgeous) colorways
Jaeger Silk (100% silk!)
Calssic Elite Portland Tweed(which is already becoming a new pair of toasty)
Kauni Effektgarn
Superior Cashmere Lace
Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool
I'm completely speechless. I didnt' know what to say to her... She overwhealms me with her incredible generosity. Totally unexpected, and always expecting nothing in exchange.
You are a wonderful friend Kim. I wish we could actually meet!
Thank you so much!
Hermosos hilados..., pero por qué no escribís en lengua nativa?????????
Que super regalo, Jo!!!!
Vas a tejerte algun shawl para los ravelympics, aparte de los mittens? ;)
Todos re lindos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joji, it is YOU who is sweet, always there to help me out. I wish we lived closer, but I love knowing that I have friends around the globe. I hope you enjoy a little bit of stash. Kim xx
PS> My mom calls me "Kimberly" when she is angry. lol
Uau!!!! Estoy con palpitaciones!!!! Kim, sos una genia!!! Qué hermosos!!!!
Que bellas lanas!!! Kim es tan linda al enviarte esa preciosidad.
me olvidaba, tengo en mis manos el patron de un kimono que que esta publicado en
Hoy acabo de iniciarlo ya te contare como me queda.
Pheeeeew!!!! Menos mal que lo pudiste sacar, grande Sebi!!!!
Qué lindo!
so... the $100 bill you placed under Sebi worked, right? =P
Buenísimo, Jo! Qué lindos son! Kim, you rock - Joji´s readers (at least this one) enjoyed "salivating" ;) just by looking at the yarn.
Pedazo de regalo!!!! menos mal que te llevaste a Sebi contigo!!!!
Que regalos mas lindos Joji! totalmente merecidos!, siempre te recuerdo como una de las personas mas serviciales y simpaticas del mundo blogueril.
Me hizo gracia como tu bebe enternecio a la seniora del Post Office jeje.
Es siempre un placer visitarte.
Qué genia Kim!!
Parabéns pelos seus presentes Joji!!! Você merece todos eles e tenho certeza que fará lindos trabalhos com eles!!!
debo decirte que viviendo afuera se aprende que en nuestro querido pais, existe una cosa que muchas, muchisimas veces no vi aca: sentido comun. Esa persona te escucho, te vio, vio que no habia necesidad de mentir por un paquete y te lo dio. Asi de simple... aca te vas a llorar a la plaza si no tenes un ID que coincida... jaja hermosas lanas!!!! beso
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