I'm writing this post in english, so that my good friend,
Kim, can read and understand it... I hope you don't mind!
Yesterday, I received a notice from the post offcie, saying that I had a package for me which was kept at the custom's office at Retiro. The moment I saw it, I knew it was the package that I had been expecting from my good friend Kim. Some time ago I sent her some yarn that I knew she liked, and after that she insisted in sending some goodies to me. I couldn't resist such a wonderful offer, and she promptly sent her gift. I love surprises and gifts so I was getting terribly anxious about this! And so was her! I know it because every day she asked about the yarn and the answer was always the same: "No yarn yet".
So when I knew my package was at the customs office I felt so relieved! But then suddenly I noticed that the package was addressed to Joji Locatelli... And I must confess that it's not my "real" name. I mean it is, but not in my ID! That moment I knew I was in trouble... They weren't going to give me my package, because my ID didn't match the one in the envelope...
I was terribly sad. I called the local postal service and they said that I should go down to the customs office and give it a try, but they weren't very enthusiastic about this... They said they didn't think I could get my package. Kimberly was so sad too! We even found a way to correct the name in the envelope, but that procedure would take 23 days...
Anyway, I convinced my husband Charly to drive me down the customs office this morning. I guess I needed to hear them say NO....
A lady called me and I told her my problem... And guess what? She said "Mmmm, I don't know"... So immediately I picked up my youngest baby, Sebi and sat him on the counter... I don't know if it helped, but when she saw Sebi there she said "Well, OK, sign here"!!!!!!
Can you believe it! There are polite people in Argentina!
When I got to the car, I had to struggle A LOT to open it. I couldn't wait! But it was all worth it, because inside I found this.

OK, so from left to right, from top to bottom:
Karabella Yarns, lace mohair and woolNoro Cash IslandMalabrigo lace, in 2 different (and gorgeous) colorwaysJaeger Silk (100% silk!)Calssic Elite Portland Tweed(which is already becoming a new pair of toasty)
Kauni EffektgarnSuperior Cashmere Lace
Elsebeth Lavold Silky WoolI'm completely speechless. I didnt' know what to say to her... She overwhealms me with her incredible generosity. Totally unexpected, and always expecting nothing in exchange.
You are a wonderful friend Kim. I wish we could actually meet!
Thank you so much!